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Today we spent
time in the winter sunshine, visiting the famous Blue Springs, from where 70 percent of New Zealand's bottled water is sourced from. The astonishing blue colour and visual clarity comes from the high optical purity of the water. Pure water is intrinsically blue in hue because it absorbs red light leaving only blue and (some) green light to be transmitted to the observer's eye. Pure natural waters are blue to blue-green in colour because they lack light absorbing particles that are removed during the long time the spring-water spends in underground aquifers. The water takes between 50 and 100 years to reach the Blue Spring. Water flows from the spring at a rate of 42m³/minute. This could fill a six lane 25 metre pool in just over 12 minutes. The water is a constant frigid 11 degrees Celsius, all year round.
(İnformation from the Blue Springs)
Videos of the Blue Spring

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