まだまだあつい日がつづきますが、きょうはすくなくともくもがあります。- It is still hot, but at least
there are clouds today.Have you ever seen a coyote in the wild? Well, they visit us here on occasion and the other day I spotted one in the meadow through the dining room window. I grabbed my camera and ran out, but it was already after sunset and needing to use the full zoom I did not have anything to sit the camera on, so the images are not particularly sharp. It poked around for a while, then crossed the road, looked around some more and then disappeared in the tall grass.
The other two shots are just of a flowering raspberry bush I was while hiking that day.
I might have another episode from the road trip ready later today. I would really like to get through that photo set before I take more pictures. At least in the current heat I don't have much desire to hike and long distance visibility is bad because of smoke from a fire all the way across the state border in Utah... 😒

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