リンピック関係の行事に参加するためでした。勿論、選手としてでなく企業の仕事をするためでした。 オリンピックが来年まで延期され、盛り上がりの気分はどこかに消えてしまいました。深刻な健康問題がまだ解決されていないまま来年の開催は想像しにくいです。
I received this pin from a sponsor of the Olympics Games the other day. It reminded me that one of the reasons my wife and I moved to Tokyo was to be involved with the Olympics. (Of course, I wasn’t planning to compete in any sports, but to support some corporate activities.)
With the postponement of the Olympics until next year, the excitement has disappeared. Until serious health issues are resolved, it’s hard to imagine the event taking place next year either.
I’m sure it’s disappointing for the athletes and fans but canceling the Games and focusing on pressing domestic issues may be the best course of action. Tokyo certainly does not need the Olympic showcase to be considered one of the world’s great cities.

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