。たとえばミイラの茶色のペンキはミイラでできた! 20世紀までこれを使って絵をたくさん見られる。ちょっと変だけどとても面白い!コーヒーを飲んで終わったら日本語を勉強する。今日、難しだから動詞の活用を練習しなきゃいけないと思う。
Good morning! The weekend always cheers me up. This morning I'm drinking coffee and reading a book. This book is about colour. It explains the history of different colours. For example, mummy brown paint was made from mummies! It was used up until the twentieth century and you can see many paintings that used it. It's a little strange but very interesting!
Once I finish my coffee I'm going to study some Japanese. Today I think it would be good to practice verb conjugations because they're difficult.
Meanwhile, my cat is just sleeping!

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