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Recently, I’ve been trying to learn the secret to making good tortillas. 😊💦
In my opinion, a good tortilla should be soft and also have some elasticity.
While watching a Mexican tortilla master, I noticed something; every tortilla she made would puff up like a little balloon.
10 seconds on one side, flip
1 minute, flip, and cook for one more minute.
In the last minute the tortilla should puff up and get some colour on it, and become delicious. If it doesn’t puff up properly, you can try gently prodding the surface of the tortilla with a damp tea towel.
Oh, this is for Mexican style masa tortillas. I’m not sure if this applies for wheat tortillas. Can you get masa in Japan?
Thank you kindly for taking the time to read my moment. If you take the time to correct any incorrect or unnatural sentences, I would be extremely grateful. I hope you’re all staying healthy this summer.

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