うつくしい ゆうひがだいすきです。- I love beautiful sunsets. 🌄
My Colorado camping
trip - Part 2: The detour made us arrive late in the day in the park I had originally thought we could spend a few hours in. This place is called the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park.
The Gunnison river flows through a canyon sometimes reminiscent of the well-known Grand Canyon in Arizona. This canyon is very steep and narrow, thus the name, as sunlight has a hard time penetrating its depths. A road along the rim of the canyon takes you to a number of spectacular view points.
This park has a much lower profile and accordingly much less visitation. Indeed, in our evening visit, we only saw a few cars. We had enough time for a short hike, stops at a few view points and a picnic dinner.
By the time we arrived the clouds were blocking the sun and the light was quickly receding after dinner. I thought it was a pity and decided on the spot we could return in the morning to spend a little more time in the park, as our hotel that night was just twenty minutes away. Lucky in a way, because I was unable to find an open reservable camping spot on a Friday night and had to settle for the hotel.
During the drive out of the park we witnessed a beautiful sunset. The second to last photo is a mountain that suddenly was illuminated by the last sunrays of the day breaking through the clouds. It doesn't really come across that well in the capture, but it was truly a sight to behold. I was driving when I noticed it and quickly had to find a spot to stop and gaze at this scene. The last photo then is taken by my daughter from the car window. Lovely, innit? (⚠️ British slang😏)
In the next installment, we will then return to this place and I will show you some morning views of this lovely park.

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