A casual English phrase to say when something or someone is not
appreciated enough.“Take for granted”
Meaning, to expect something will always be available
And to not fully appreciate it.
My mom often tells me:
“Don’t take <your health> for granted”
Meaning, don’t expect your health to always be good,
you should appreciate it more.
You work a lot.
You spend very little time with your wife.
Your friend might say:
“Don’t take <her> for granted”
Meaning, don’t expect your wife to just always be there,
you should respect her more.
“Take for granted” means to expect something will always be there,
So you don’t appreciate it enough.
Sometimes I complain about school.
My friends remind me:
“Don’t take <your education> for granted”
Reminds me to appreciate my opportunities.
What is something you might be taking for granted?
Thanks for reading.
More Examples:
“I have been taking <my friends> for granted, I should be a better friend”
“She takes <his kindness> for granted, I should respect him more”
“I take <my eye health> for granted, I should take better care of my eyes”
“We take <the environment> for granted, we should care for nature more”.
Some Quotes:
“Don’t ever take for granted what you have today,
Because tomorrow, it just might not be there”.
“Every time you take them for granted,
You’re teaching them to live without you”.

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