Frases verbales
1) AGREE WITH - estar de acuerdo - "All women
are bad drivers." "I don't agree with you." 2) BE ABOUT TO - estar a punto de -I was about to leave the house when my friends arrived.
3) BE BACK - regresar -I'm working late at the office tonight so I won't be back until 10.
4) BE OUT OF - quedarse sin - We're out of eggs so we can't make a tortilla.
5) BE OVER - terminarse - When the football match was over, we went to the pub.
6) BE UP - estar levantado - "Phil isn't up yet: he's still in bed. Phone again in ten minutes."
7) BLOW UP - estallar (una bomba) - The bomb blew up killing six people.
8) BLOW UP - inflar - We blew up at least a hundred balloons for the birthday party.
9) BREAK DOWN - averiarse - My car broke down on the way to the city.
10) CALL BACK - volver a llamar - "I'm afraid the manager isn't here at the moment. Could you call back later?"

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