I turned 30 today, it was unique and strange birthday for me
. The days leading up to today were ominous yet I was hopeful. Life is quick to remind us of our short comings and that we as humans are imperfect. Plans do not always come to fruition as we can hope. I’m grateful for the time I could spend with my family in the past week even though it took my all to hold them together. I was reminded that going out of our way for others doesn’t Include them to do the same for you. We should find satisfaction in the action itself. It also saddened me to hear my mothers dog died to cancer today on my birthday. For these experiences I entered my 30s a little be wiser and grateful. While I chose to work today and spend the time alone, I’m happy I can take a moment and think about life this way. Also as for a party, I’ll have one in August 😂😜

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