みずうみにいるとりはいつもおもしろい。- The birds at the lake are always interesting
.The story of the eagle and the heron
Once upon a time...
Hahaha, this would be a good children's tale title, no? 🤣
I am afraid my story is not that intriguing, though. I went for a walk at the local lake yesterday evening. I stopped to see if I could get some decent shots of red-winged blackbirds, but they were not being cooperative, either too far away or hiding behind branches. Then I saw people looking across the lake and pointing at something. It was a bald eagle! In a much better, more accessible location than the one I photographed last year at the lake. This is really cool, it's pretty much my backyard, just ten minutes away! 😎
I quickly moved closer and started taking photos while the sun was still up. The eagle was very close to a walking path and it kept observing people passing by and then it focused again on the lake. What a great sight! I think it is a pretty young bird, it still has some brown colored feathers.
Then, as the sun was disappearing behind the mountain I went back to the lake shore and unexpectedly encountered another interesting bird: a great blue heron. I managed to take a few shots with still some of the last sun rays hitting the bird and then just after then sun had set. Its reflection on the still water was nice. It was a good scene to witness.
The lake is opening up, the ice is retreating. Spring is arriving, little by little. There will still be snow falling in all likelihood, but at this time of year it won't last long, not at this elevation at least.

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