揚げないトンカツ作ってみた! ソウルフード食べたかったけど揚げた料理は体に悪いし太りたくないから新しいレシピ見つけた。
やっぱりこれより揚げたカツの方がカリカリけど、これまだカリカリし全然油っこくなかった。正直に言うとめっちゃびっくりした 😅 油1大さじだけに入れたけど味が同じだった 😊I tried making tonkatsu without frying! I really wanted to eat some comfort food, but fried food is unhealthy and I don't want to get fat, so I found a new recipe. As expected, fried cutlet is more crispy, but this was still crispy, plus it wasn't oily at all! To be honest, I was really surprised 😅 I only used 1 tablespoon of oil, but it tasted just like it was fried!

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