あさごはんは、ベーコンとたまごとすりおろしたポテトとあたたかいおちゃでした。- Breakfast was bacon,
eggs and grated potatoes with hot tea.This is another chapter in my summer travel journal, describing my visit to Yellowstone National Park.
🔸️Day 7, Part 1:
Today was simply too rich a day to describe in just one post, so I have to split it up in two.
After waking up to a very cold morning (4° C), we cooked some camp breakfast and headed out. The first very quick stop for pictures was Gibbon Falls, a beautiful waterfall on the Gibbon river with a 26 meter drop.
Next was Artists Paint Pots, a group of over 50 springs, geysers, vents and especially mud pots. You can walk a trail and boardwalk to explore the area. It was very pretty in the morning sun and it finally got warmer.
The main focus of the day was up next. Norris Geyser Basin is the hottest basin in the park. Steam seems to rise from everywhere you look. A huge area is devoid of trees or any vegetation because of geothermal activity. In some spots is seems you are walking on a different and strange planet. Mud is bubbling up around you, steam is rising and the water streams on ground draped in metallic and yellow (sulfur) colors.
In other areas, big deep pools can be seen and you can actually feel the heat if you get close enough. Big circular geyser areas can be observed from the boardwalk indicating periodically erupting geysers. The landscape is always changing. We spent about three hours walking all the trails. My last visit there dates back 20 years, I had forgotten how impressive it was.
I can only share a little bit here, but I hope you get the idea.
I plan on uploading the whole set of photos to my gallery soon. It will be better appreciated on a large screen anyway.
To be continued...

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