Which of the phrases below would you use to describe
countryside? ☀️ Xxxxxxxxxxx has...
🌳 a heavenly sunrise 天堂般的日出
🌳 fluffy white clouds 蓬鬆的白雲
🌳 majestic mountain ranges 雄偉的山脈
🌳 calming waves 令人平靜的海浪
🌳 ethereal lakes 縹緲的湖
🌳 pristine forests 原始森林
🌳 blooming meadows 盛開的草地
🌳 an idyllic countryside 恬靜的鄉村
🌳 a picturesque landscape 如詩如畫的風景
☀️ Xxxxxxxxx is breathtakingly beautiful!
Any more?
More: https://www.thenewslens.com/article/131911

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