Today was a beautiful sunny miraculous day, I had so much joy
and abundance that I texted every person in my phone to live today as if it were the last, because tomorrow is not promised and gave them all the happiness they needed :) Decided to visit my local park and state at the beauty mother earth presents to us. Saw a cute Black Squirrel 🐿Today quote of the day
"Use your smile to change the world, dont let the world change your smile."
Smile because it's beautiful, smile because you want yourself happy, Smile because the world needs more smiles, too often we are so caught in a whirlwind of emotions leaving us feeling like were on a never ending rollercoaster. most of us feel angry, some feel sad, you deserve to smile, because your happiness is a gift and a blessing to yourself and to others. Just because others hurt you, or made you feel some way.. doesnt mean you should turn that smile upside down. use it for the greater good you never know who needs one😄

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