昨日、友達とスタバクスで勉強したかったけど、三つの別途な店に行って、これらは全てがいっぱいだった. だから、マクドナルド
で勉強した笑>.<一方では、美味しい食事を作って、食べた. 昼ごはんは、京都でムモクテキというベジタリアンのカフェで始めて食べて、夕食はドーナツを買って二人の友達とイギリスの伝統的な朝ごはんを作って、めっちゃお腹が一杯になっちゃた
Yesterday me and my friend wanted to study at a starbucks but all 3 shops we went to were full, so we ended up studying in mcdonalds😂
On the other hand, I ate and made delicious food yesterday. For lunch, I ate at a vegeterian cafe in kyoto for the first time, then for dinner we brought donuts and made a traditional english breakfast, I got really full!
I’d say it was a successful cheat day :P
I hope everyone too had a good weekend!

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