この日は、ソーセージ、たまご、パンケーキ などのおおきなあさごはんでスタートしました。- We started the day
with a big breakfast, sausage, eggs and pancakes. 🍽While I really want to share more photos from my just completed camping trip, I have one more thing to take care of first...
It's a mountain festival that I attended two weeks ago. It is centered around a burro race.
Burros are donkeys. This race tradition is relatively new, but in short, runners must pull, push or drag the burro for the duration of the race. The burros must carry a pack saddle and basic prospector equipment, which includes a pick, shovel, and gold pan.
In this particular race there are two courses. The short one is 24 km and the long course is 47 km to a mountain pass and back marking an elevation change or 985 meters.
There are other such races around the country and people come from afar to compete.
Here I am showing you the start of the race. It can be competitive, but most racers are in it just for the fun and challenge of it. Donkeys can be stubborn beasts and when they don't feel like going where you want them to, there is not much one can do. 😂
In upcoming posts, I'd like to show you the atmosphere and activities around the race in this lovely old west town.

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