こんばんは!お疲れ様でした ^^
たり、ライブや結婚式で色な音楽家と演奏したりしました!色んなジャンルを演奏しましたけど普段ロックをよくやりました!でも実はダンスとヒップホップもとても好きです!どんな音楽が好きですか?^^でも去年の夏、手首を折っちゃったから残念ながらその仕事をやめなければならなかったです!😓 だからそのあと、日本に行こうと思いました!日本でもジャズバーで演奏したことがありますよ!でも日本でドラムキットを持ってないので練習できないからちょっと悪くなちゃったと思います!🙈😅一番の写真は僕の職場でした!二番は家のスタジオです!家のスタジオはちょっと汚いですね 😅 なにか楽器が演奏できますか!^^ Good evening! :)
In England, I was working as a session drummer! That job involved recording in a studio as well as performing at live gigs and wedding receptions with various musicians! I played many different types of genres but usually I often played rock! But actually I really like dance music and hip-hop! What kind of music do you like? :)
But last summer I broke my wrist so unfortunately I had to quit that job 😓 So after that I decided to go to Japan! I’ve also played in a jazz bar here in Japan! But I don’t have a drum kit here so I can’t practice which means that I’ve probably gotten quite rusty! 🙈😅 The first picture is my old workplace! The second is my home studio! My home studio is a little bit messy, right? 😅 Can you play any instruments? :)

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