Something Beyond by Mary (Clemmer) (Ames) Hudson.
Part 1 of
2. SOMETHING beyond! though now, with joy unfound,
The life-task falleth from thy weary hand,
Be brave, be patient! In the fair beyond
Thou’lt understand.
Thou’lt understand why our most royal hours
Couch sorrowful slaves bound by low nature’s greed;
Why the celestial soul’s a minion made
To narrowest need.
In this pent sphere of being incomplete,
The imperfect fragment of a beauteous whole,
For yon rare regions, where the perfect meet,
Sighs the lone soul.
Sighs for the perfect! Far and fair it lies;
It hath no half-fed friendships perishing fleet,
No partial insights, no averted eyes,
No loves unmeet.

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