A sweet and mysterious incident happened when my second daughter
was one year old.We were Christmas shopping at the mall. Our child was in a stroller and we kept our packages in the stroller basket. At some point I noticed a bag in the stroller that I did not recognize. Inside was a Christmas card and a pretty holiday dress. A handwritten message on the card said,
Dear Little Girl,
You have been such a good girl this year. You bring so much joy and happiness to those who love you.
You are special.
A Secret Santa 🎅🏼
I kept the baby dress because it is special. I admire people who show act of kindness and also want to remain anonymous. 😇💗
By the way, my daughter is now college age and she said her haircut was funny-looking back then. I cut her hair and I think it was cute. 🥰😃

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