사진을 보고난 후, 동생이 배고파했다. 나는 전기밥솥에 미리 쪄둔 단호박을 동생에게 주었다. 그랬더니 동생이
소스라치게 놀랐다. “언니가 요리도 할 줄 알아??” 이게 그렇게 놀랄 일이었나? 단호박을 찌는 것을 요리라고 하기에는 만드는 게 너무 간단했다.After looking at the pictures, my sister was hungry. I gave her the sweet pumpkin I had steamed in the electric rice cooker. She was astonished 😯 . "Dude, you can cook!" Was it such a surprise? Steaming pumpkin was too simple to be called cooking.
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