🇬🇧 “Which one?”, “This one” 👥👦🏻👥
写真を見ています 🤔:”Which one is you?”
😄:”I’m the one 〜”
左 on the left
左側 on the left-hand side
最左 on the far/very left / (the) left-most (one)
◯の左 on/to the left of the ◯
右 on the right
右側 on the right-hand side
最右 on the far/very right / (the) right-most (one)
◯の右 on/to the right of the ◯
前 at/in the front
◯の前 in front of the ◯
後ろ at/in the back
◯の後ろ behind the ◯
上 (the) top/upper (one)
◯の上 on top of the ◯ / at the top of the ◯
下 (the) bottom/lower (one)
◯の下 below/beneath the ◯ / at the bottom of the ◯
中 in the middle
◯の中 in/inside the ◯ / in the middle of the ◯
真ん中 in the centre
* centre はイギリス英語の綴りで、center はアメリカ英語の綴りです
ど真ん中 in the very middle/centre / right in the middle/centre
* この “right” は「右」という意味じゃありません
◯の横 next/adjacent to the ◯ / at the side of the ◯ / beside the ◯
◯の隣 next/adjacent to the ◯ / at the side of the ◯ / beside the ◯
前列 on the front row
#列目 on the #th row
後列 on the back row
◯から#人目 #th from the ◯
◯を着てる in (the) ◯ / wearing (the) ◯
座ってる sitting (down) / sat (down)
* どちらも時制が大丈夫です
立ってる standing (up) / stood (up)
前置詞は面倒くさいですね 😅
もしよかったら、日本語では一緒にどう言うか教えてください 🙏
“I’m the one on the back row, next to the white door”
“I’m the one 4th from the left, at the back”
“I’m the one on the left-hand side, in front of the big tree, sitting next to the old lady” 😅

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