~ Happy Saturday!
GRAB your ☕️ Americano! It’s time to learn
some idioms (colloquial phrases). Try these with your English speaking friends~ 1. “What do you have on tap today?” - What is your schedule like for the day? What is on your schedule for today? Can specify a specific time or date, whether it’s a week, a month, a holiday.
2. “On cloud 9.” - Describing how you feel, your current state of mind or someone else - as extremely happy, blissful, in love.
3. “Piece of cake.” - easy
4. “Dead as a door nail.” - Dead 😳😵💀 inanimate objects - batteries or living things - dead pet goldfish your parents flushed down the 🚽toilet - RIP Goldie 😢
5. “Holy cow!” - OMG! 🙀아이구
6. “Bob’s your uncle” - Easy as that, simple as that. Like demonstrating ease of something afterwards you declare “Bob’s your uncle!” - actually, this is very British.
7. “Quit cold turkey” or “cold turkey” - Give something up immediately (not in a gradual process) i.e. smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism, girlfriend/boyfriend, cake, ice cream, soda—you get it 😉
8. “The elephant in the room” - pretty obvious and/or big issue or an awkward situation.
9. “Jelly” - jealous but in a cute and funny way, not a resentful way. i.e. “I’m so jelly of your cute Jimmy Choos!” 😉
10. “Don’t give up your day job” - joking way of breaking it to someone that the “thing” (talent) they really think they are great at ( being talented), they are actually really bad at 😆😇 i.e. cooking, singing, being popular with women or men, walking in heels, Kung Fu 😹
Let me know if you have any questions...

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