先月かわいそうな小さな猫が家の外で見つけました。朝から夜まで猫の声が聞こえたが、どこにいるか分かりませんでした。😧 でも
、夜は雨が降っていて、とても心配したので、姉と母は猫を探してみました。👩🏻👱🏻♀️子猫は排水溝に一匹だけ、親猫がどこもいませんでした。😢Last month we found a poor small cat outside of our house. We heard a cat sound from morning to night, but we couldn't find where it was. But it was raining that night, and we were worried about the cat, so my mom and sister went to look for it outside. And they found the cat was in the drain alone without the mother.
The cat was scared and even bit my sister's thumb. So it was a little difficult to carry her home. And when the cat came into our house, it hid under the bed.
でも、今は他の猫が毎日一緒に遊んでいて、時々古い猫に迷惑をかけたけど、以前と比較幸せそうに見えます。🥰❤️ 元気で、たくさん食べて、嬉しいです。夜時は私の部屋に寝て、とてもかわいいです。😍 もしその時子猫は家に持ち帰ってないなら、何か起こったことが分かりません。今は家にいるが良かったです。☺️
But now, the little cat always plays with the other cats and bothers the older cats, but she looks happier than before. At night, she would come and sleep in my room, so cute! If we didn't bring her home at that time, I'm not sure what could have happened to her.
But I'm glad we did.
Her name is Mipan.

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