やっと金曜日だな! ほとんどの同僚は休暇中だから僕は今週めっちゃ忙しかった! 仕事の後飲みたい気分だけど天気が悪いしパブ
混みそうので友達と宅飲みつもりだ! 明日は友達の誕生日会なのに彼は今晩も飲みたい。 お酒強い人だなあ 😅It's finally Friday! Most of my colleagues are on vacation, so I've been so busy this week! I want to drink after work today, but the weather is awful and the pubs will all be so busy, so I'm gonna drink at home with my friend! Even though it's his birthday party tomorrow, he still wants to drink tonight. He's a strong drinker 😅

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