I have a more personal moment to share with all of my worldwide
students today.Yesterday was my first day back to work. I have resigned my position teaching business and have taken the role to teach students how to improve their English. Most of my students that require help like this at my school are from Mexico or other Latin American countries. I did not make this decision to change my position with great desire, but it was the best alternative considering the circumstances.
I woke up today at 2:30AM because I couldn’t sleep thinking about how the leadership at my school is making poor decisions. In addition, there is also little communication sharing about how these decisions are made - only decisions enforced like a dictator.
So. I made a PowerPoint presentation illustrating how these bad decisions and lack of communication and transparency is hurting the school. Morale is low - a number of staff looked for new jobs or considered retiring. In addition, these decisions are limiting the opportunities of our students.
In short, our admin does not really think ahead. They are reactionary.
We have a saying in the US - “they are putting the cart in front of the horse.” Rather than leading, they push us to do it instead. Our admin gets an idea, tells everyone we need to change right now, and then later reflects and thinks, “Oh wait, maybe we shouldn’t do this.”
Worse, the ideas change altogether because a new administrator is hired. They have a completely new plan or idea, and disregard any progress about the previous plan abruptly.
My heart is very heavy today going into work this morning with these thoughts. It makes me wonder, “How have we achieved anything in this place? What is the point and purpose of this school?”
Well. I hope you have all learned a lot of vocabulary today at least. Thank you for reading.

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