Hello Everyone! ✨🍀✨
Sean here! ✨🙂✨
This message is just to
let you know I have changed my profile, profile picture, and account name. ✨✅✅✅✨ My account address is still the same. ✨✅✨
I will continue to post WET lessons every Wednesday. ✨💫🎓👍💫✨
However, my free easy-English manga helping students all over Japan and the world is my dream. My HT account will now show that. ✨ 🌎🇯🇵🌍✨
I’m always here to help you with your English dreams. I hope you will help me with my dream too! ✨💫💪❤️💫✨
Read and share: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/78232226
Follow and share: https://twitter.com/crystal_hunters

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