Here's what I made for dinner and Dessert yesterday. The Red
Currant and Blueberry pie tasted great with Vanilla Ice cream! It doesn't look perfect, but tasted great!料理するのが楽しすぎる!🥄 🥧

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Runa 2021.03.27 12:21
Ta 2021.03.27 12:25
Sky 2021.03.27 12:25
Lola・ロラ 2021.03.27 14:27
Lola・ロラ 2021.03.27 14:29
Lola・ロラ 2021.03.27 14:30
Haruka 2021.03.27 17:32
Lola・ロラ 2021.03.27 18:44
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