我们都知道 knife 是刀子,而你可能也听过 go under the knife 这个用法,但它并不是指走过刀子下方
(如果是的话,那也太可怕了)让我带你一起学习 go under the knife 这个用法吧!
go under the knife 接受(外科)手术
= have a medical operation
例:Nowadays, more and more people go under the knife to improve their appearance. 现在越来越多人会动手术来改善他们的容貌。
Can you tell if Mary has had a nose job?
plastic / cosmetic surgery 整容手术
nose job 整鼻手术
facelift 拉皮手术
liposuction 抽脂手术

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