Hi, guys many of you probably don’t know me but that’s okay.
I’m and Chinese American high school student who lives in America. I just want to share a bit about my life. So this year is my second year of high school. It is by far the worst year I have had school wise. My grades are the lowest it has ever been. My mental health is also at an all-time low As the semester is going to an end with finals in the next week I really reflected my past 4 months of school. I’m realizing for the first time that not doing fantastic in school is totally fine. Getting all As in school doesn’t really mean anything. I don’t how to end this but just wishing everyone to enjoy high school and not stress that much. Ps. I didn’t write this in Chinese like how I would normally do because it’s long and there would be a bunch of people correcting my grammar and I AM NOT IN THE MOOD HANDLE THAT RIGHT NOW. 但是我妈妈用中文跟我说的一些话我觉得可以跟你们分享一下。“学习不是最重要的,重要的是你以后养不养的活了自己”。“你如果喜欢画画还有化妆那就去培养那些技能把这些东西变成你的专长”。“用那些东西去做你喜欢又做的很好的去赚钱”。”做你自己喜欢的事才是最好的“。

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