Sympathy vs Empathy
Let's talk about the difference between
"sympathy" and "empathy." These two words are very similar and many people use them as synonyms. However, they do have different meanings. Sympathy and empathy are both feelings you may have when something bad happens to someone else, but empathy is a much deeper feeling than sympathy.
Let's look at each word separately.
<Sympathy< Sympathy is a feeling you have when something bad happens to someone else. It is a feeling of understanding. You understand that they went through in a bad time, and you feel sad for them. If you feel sympathetic, you may want to help the person feel better.
* I am sorry that your dog died. Can I give you a hug?
* I am sorry for your loss. Is there anything I can do to help?
* I heard that you broke up with your boyfriend. Do you want to grab a cup of coffee and talk about it?
* Nick sent her flowers because she was in the hospital. He wanted to make her feel better.
>Empathy< Empathy is closely related to sympathy. But empathy is a much deeper emotion or feeling. Empathy is when you feel the same emotions as someone else. For example, if you hear that your neighbor's dog died, and you feel very sad like it happened to you, then you have empathy for your neighbor. You share the same feelings.
* I am sorry that your dog died. I understand how you feel because my cat died last year. I was very sad. You must be very sad, too.
* I am sorry for your loss. I understand exactly how you feel.
* I heard that you broke up with your boyfriend. My boyfriend left me a few months ago. He broke my heart!
* When she was in the hospital, Nick sat by her side every day. He remembered the time he was alone in the hospital after his surgery. He didn't want her to feel alone like he did.
It is possible to have sympathy and empathy at the same time.

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