I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my
sails to always reach my destination. 🧊Jimmy Dean🧊Download the HelloTalk app to join the conversation.
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ᵉᵈꜟᵗᵃ 2020.12.28 14:18
ユウト 유토 2020.12.28 14:18
なる 2020.12.28 14:19
Miku 2020.12.28 14:20
cepa_selena 2020.12.28 14:58
涵菡 2020.12.28 16:00
kita 2020.12.29 10:33
Sry 2020.12.30 12:19
みお 2021.01.01 03:06
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