ってからまたロックダウンになっちゃったから一昨日まで全然会えなかったです!😩でも今週の月曜日にほとんどのロックダウンの制限が解除されたので友達と遊ぶためにロンドンに行ってきました!The British Museumの近くにあるアパートに泊まったのですごく便利でした!友達をお好み焼きレストランに連れて行きました!もちろん今週の前に友達はお好み焼きを食べたことなかったけどみんな好きだったから嬉しかったです!😌僕も美味しかったと思いました!😋最近イギリスで毎日は雨だから本当に梅雨みたいな感じだけど昨日は結構晴れだったのでのんびり散歩するのを楽しめました!友達と遊ぶのを大事にした方がいいですよね 😌 Good evening! Thank god it’s Friday! 🥳
I met my friends in England for the first time in three years the day before yesterday! I had been living in Japan for 2 and a half years and after I returned to England, lockdown was imposed again so I couldn’t meet them at all! 😩 But I most of the lockdown restrictions were lifted this Monday so I went to London to hang out with my friends! We stayed in an apartment near The British Museum so it was really convenient! I took my friends to an okonomiyaki restaurant! Of course they had never eaten okonomiyaki before this week, but they liked it so I was happy 😌 I also thought it was delicious! 😋 Recently it’s been raining everyday in England so it feels like the rainy season but yesterday it was quite clear so we were able to enjoy going for a leisurely stroll! We should cherish hanging out with our friends 😌

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