備考: これは社会評論と軽い冗談のつもりで書いたものです。写真に写ってるのは本物のパンダではありません。偶々、先週末に見かけたのです。
With the corona virus pandemic still with us, I think almost everyone has had to make adjustments in one way or another to their daily routine. Some, like those in the travel and entertainment industries, have had to deal with tougher consequences than others.
Since I moved to Tokyo, I have been wanting to visit the Ueno Zoo but haven’t yet because of the virus. I hope the animals are being well treated as the admissions revenue decreases drastically.
The last thing I want to see as part of the new normal is a poor pathetic panda panhandling to make ends meet.
Notes: This is intended as light-hearted gallows humor and social commentary. The panda depicted in the photo is not real. I encountered him on the street last weekend.
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