Basic ways to ask someone how they are doing:
1. How are you
? 2. How are you doing?
3. How is everything?
4. How is it going?
5. What’s up?
6. What’s new?
7. How have you been?
8. How are you feeling?
9. How are you holding up?
(For someone you haven’t seen for a while)
10. Long time no see. What’s new with you?
11. How’s life? OR How’s life treating you?
12. What have you been up to? OR What are you up to these days?
Basic responses for when someone says...
Hi. How are you? OR How are you doing?
(If things are going good)
1. I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
2. I’m good! OR Pretty good!
3. Great! And you?
4. I couldn’t be better!
5. I’m doing well.
(If things are going okay/so-so/neutral)
1. I’m okay.
2. I can’t complain.
3. Same as usual.
(If things are not so good)
1. I’m not doing well.
2. I’m not so good.
3. I’m hanging in there.
4. Things have been better.
5. I’m really struggling.
6. I’m surviving OR Just trying to survive.
(You can add “and you?” “What about you?” Or “Thanks for asking” to be polite:))
I’m doing great! And you?
I’m okay. Everything is the same. What about you?
I’m just trying to survive right now. Work has been really busy. Thanks for asking. What about you? How are you doing?

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