My mom let me draw and paint all day, run around the neighborhood
barefoot, ride a bike by myself to the creek, take apart all my toys, flood the backyard sandbox turning it into a swamp, put fake plastic snakes all over the place and scare people, play dungeons and dragons, put on fireworks shows in the front yard as a minor in Ohio where bottle rockets are definitely illegal despite the fact that officer Davis lived literally across the street. She taught me to be curious and respectful of people who are different than me. When my dad died she taught me how to shave. She taught my sisters and I gratitude even in the face of immense sorrow and confusion. When, at sixteen years old I told my mom I wanted to postpone college and instead write songs and pursue a recording contract she bought me a guitar and let me have band practice twice a week in the basement (she even allowed twenty friends to come over once a week and serve as a small test audience). My mom did things for me that I now realize were unusual and outrageous. Before I had my drivers license she would drive me to concerts for bands she would never listen to and wait in the car or in the bar. She let me paint my nails and wear make-up. She taught met to respect women. She gave me an unbelievable amount of freedom, trust and support to pursue my own interests and develop my own ideas. She reminded me that I could do anything I wanted to with my life. She taught me how to enjoy little things, how to work hard and how to relax hard! She taught me when to not give a shit about what other people think. And when to listen patiently to someone else’s point of view. Living on my own terms in my own way has brought me so much joy, satisfaction, and oddly enough, taught me to be responsible for my choices and so grateful for what I have. Thanks mom and all moms for your trust, love support and hard work. I owe you everything.

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