28.05.1999 - 06.07.2019 🥺😔
here isn’t a day that goes by where
i don’t think about you. you’re on my mind and in my heart forever and always. i love you cam. i love you so much. i’ll never get tired of saying it. i love u and i forever will. thank u for being the light we all truly needed. you flew to paradise because u needed to be there. this world is so evil and u deserved to be in a better place. a piece of you will forever be here with us on earth. sweet dreams, cam. i just know that you’re doing amazing things up there in neverland. i hope that you’re feeling happy and doing what you love. i love you so much, and that will never change. i really wish u could be here for your birthday but i just know ur having a blast and having the best time up there in paradise and not here in this evil world that we’re living in a pandemic. we feel you in everything that we do. your light will never go out. 🖤

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