Food taste better when shared with loved ones ! Homemade delicious
lunch : linguine with prawns and calamari , a Mediterranean salad followed by a light yougurt and mixed berries and grapes !❤️

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靓仔 2020.02.21 13:15
靓仔 2020.02.21 13:15
Bea 2020.02.21 13:22
Christian 2020.02.21 13:22
Farhang 2020.02.21 13:24
Apatosaur 2020.02.21 13:25
爱吃西红柿 2020.02.21 13:25
乾沫 2020.02.21 13:28
sugar 2020.02.21 13:29
Mohamed 2020.02.21 13:39
savage 2020.02.21 13:40
shiny 2020.02.21 13:43
khaled 2020.02.21 14:33
一抹浅笑 2020.02.22 08:59
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