Pic 1⃣️ 我的英文学习之路❣️简体中文/书面语
Pic 2⃣️ 我嘅英文學習之路 💓廣東話口語
Pic 3⃣️私の
英語勉強についての心得 🌸日本語 Pic 4⃣️제가 영어를 배우는 길 🇰🇷한국어
English learning requires comprehensive improvement in the aspects of the language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. I want to use this opportunity to share my English learning experience with all of you who are interested in studying English or confused about making it happen. I have spent two weeks thinking of the logic in this article, even in different languages. Therefore,it will probably take you 5 minutes to read.
I hope it’s helpful.🎁
👩🏻💻花了兩週左右的時間整理我的英文學習經歷 因為我的職業關係 會格外注重邏輯的順暢📝
(我平時不愛用標點符號的 哈哈可能浪費了很多時間補充)

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