Making chowder at midnight ^^ for rainy week! So good 😊 carrots
🥕 potatoes 🥔 yam 🍠 chicken corn 🌽 peas and spinach! Chicken chowder!👨🏻🍳😊💯😋🐔

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Serena 2021.05.26 08:14
Kat 2021.05.26 08:16
HT User73010 2021.05.26 08:18
地球online玩家 2021.05.26 08:28
Mina 2021.05.26 08:39
mochi 2021.05.26 08:40
Monica 2021.05.26 08:52
令狐沖JH14七七제빵왕김탁구JamesHU 2021.05.26 10:15
令狐沖JH14七七제빵왕김탁구JamesHU 2021.05.26 10:16
偏执 2021.05.26 10:29
Mina 2021.05.26 10:47
Nong Hom 2021.05.26 12:35
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