The sound of rain taps, taps, and taps against the window
. When I’m looking at my window, it’s obvious, as I can not only hear the sound of rain but I can also see it.
It’s not always obvious though, especially when I’m lost in my thoughts or distracted by every worry of this world.
But, when it does rain, I try to pay attention.
There’s something about rain that has a soothing quality, a quality that is almost soul-healing or heart-warming, which is ironic as rain in the winter is as bone-chilling as it gets.
For me though, it has the opposite effect: outside, allow the raindrops to fall on your face, each droplet running down your face, making that same tap tap sound that you’re so used to.
Combine the visual, audio, and sensory experience of rain, and it’s quite possible that you will have an out-of-the-world experience.
You might also catch a cold, so make sure you take a hot bath afterwards.

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