Lección 25 - Curso Básico
Giving advice.😃👍🇺🇸🇪🇸👌😺
If I were you
, .. ➡Si fuera tú, ...
➡Si fuese tú, ...
➡Yo, en tu lugar, ...
➡Yo que tú, ...
1. If I were you, I would go somewhere else.
Yo que tú, iría a otro sitio.
2. If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate. I would go ahead and do it.
Yo que tú, no lo dudaría.
3. If I were you, I would do it as soon as possible.
Yo que tú, lo haría cuanto antes.
4. If I were you, I would leave early.
Yo que tú, saldría temprano.
5. If I were you, I would go right now and see him.
Yo, en tu lugar, iría ahora mismo a verlo.
6. If I were you, I would be careful.
Yo, en tu lugar, andaría con cuidado.
7. If I were you, I would look for a job.
Yo que tú, me buscaría un trabajo.
8. If I were you, I wouldn't say anything to him.
Yo, en tu lugar, no le diría nada.
9. If I were you, I would go to visit her.
Si fuera tú, iría a visitarla.

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