です😂😂😂。店で酒を売ってた。Back when I was a kid, I used to always go to Osaka during the summer to visit relatives. This is a picture with my brother and grandparents😂😂😂; they had a sake shop.
一度一ヶ月 ぐらい日本で小学校にも行きました。せっかく僕の夏休みだったんので最初行きたくなかったけど、友達をたくさん作って色んな経験できて楽しかった。みんな一緒に学校を掃除するのは一番びっくりだった。友達みんな元気にやっていることを願ってる。
One summer, my mom even made me go to school in Japan. I remember I was pissed at first, after all it was my summer vacation and now I had to go to even more school??? But it ended up being pretty fun and I made lots of friends. I remember how surprised I was that we all had to clean the school together. I hope all the friends I made back then are doing well!
The last time I went to Japan, I realized I had forgotten most of my Japanese and could not communicate well with my grandma anymore, so my 2019 New Years resolution was to try learn again. I think I made some okay progress this year, but I will continue on next year!

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