After if been to town, I decided
to go to a different forest close to my house by car and go for a walk. 曇りで風が吹いていたのに、いい歩いたと思った。
Even though it was cloudy and windy, I thought it was a good walk.
オタクだから、いつものようにポケモンGoを遊びながら歩いた。As I’m a geek, as usual whilst I walked I played Pokémon Go.
森林の中に歩くことがが好きなので、毎週のように散歩に行きたいです。As I liked walking in the woods, I want to try and go almost every week.
(毎-のようには新しい文法だからこれを使ってみる) it’s new grammar so I’m trying to use it.
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