I’m at this Korean bar and it’s sad how different they treat
their Korean customers and non-Korean customers. Never coming back again.Download the HelloTalk app to join the conversation.
Download the HelloTalk app to join the conversation.
오징어짬뽕 2019.09.15 02:35
朕来学洋文 2019.09.15 02:36
Lily 릴리 2019.09.15 02:36
sayonara 👋 2019.09.15 02:36
Lily 릴리 2019.09.15 02:36
Hanala627 2019.09.15 02:39
Lily 릴리 2019.09.15 02:39
Narito 2019.09.15 02:42
Lily 릴리 2019.09.15 02:42
Hanala627 2019.09.15 02:43
Narito 2019.09.15 02:46
오징어짬뽕 2019.09.15 02:47
shen 2019.09.15 02:48
Yas 2019.09.15 02:54
mui 2019.09.15 03:06
大海 or Patton 2019.09.15 03:23
Mr.Jun 2019.09.15 07:19
Open HelloTalk to join the conversation