私は指輪想像するのようでした。そしてあの時、大きくなったら、王子を結婚したいな。😂😂 親類はも全部こういうのことが大好きだった。😆一緒に食べたとき本当に楽しかった、みんなはいろいろユニークな食べる方法があるだからね。今まで、きおくはすべて覚えてるけど、今は指が合わせできないな。😂
Another childhood snack! When I was small, I love to insert them in all of my fingers before eating. It fits perfectly with my finger, and sometimes I imagine them as a ring. At that time, how I wish to marry a prince charming when I grow up. And my cousins love doing that way too.
Eating together is indeed more fun, and everyone has a unique way of eating food. I still remember those memories, but now, it couldn't fit my fingers anymore.

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