ハーブの量パねぇ! 「パねぇ」使ってみた。どう?わしゃダサいおっさんということを隠しきれた?
ッチヤバない?これ全部じゃないし。どの料理したらこんなミントの山を尽くすのかなぁ。ミント・エキス石けんとか とーにかく、安いライスを使ったステーキチャーハン!と日本酒トニックでござりやんす。きゅうり効いてて美味い!
That is bare herbs. I had a go at using the word “bare”. Did I pull it off? Was I successful in hiding my true identity, a dorky guy in his 30s?
Well, anyway this herb patch is seriously out of control. This isn’t even all of it. What kind of dish can I make that will use up this mountain of mint. Maybe I could make mint extract soap or something…
Aaaaanyway, I made fried rice with some cheap rice and sirloin steak! Also, sake and tonic. The cucumber in it really works!

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