こんごのりょこうで は、ここでキャンプをしたいとおもいます。 - On a future trip I would like
to camp here. 🏕Earlier this month I took a road trip. This is the 5th installment of my trip report.
On this day we drive out to Canyonlands National Park in Utah. We only have one day to visit, so only part of the park is realistic to tour. This is my second visit, but my daughter's first time. I was very eager to show her this cool place.
The initial views just a few steps from the visitor center are already breathtaking. You are looking down at the Shafer trail, a dirt road that winds down to the canyon bottom. One day, I do want to drive it!
I had planned a number of short hikes. The views change and as the sun moves across the sky, different parts of the landscape are revealed. It's really a photographer's paradise. One of the most spectacular views is down to the canyon where the Colorado and Green rivers have carved into the rock revealing differently colored layers.
It turned out to be a pretty hot day. This land dries you up like nothing, it's important to have lots of water on hand. It got better later in the day when it cooled off and the crowds started to leave.
I really need to be careful here, I could share a lot more photos, but it would take me a long time to upload it all with commentary. There will definitely be another post, perhaps two, just from this day... 😄

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