🇯🇵 コロナウイルスのために、3月23日にイギリスで外出禁止が始まったから、人々が家にいなければならない。 1日2回以下
ウイルスはここイギリスではまだピークに達していないので、友人や家族を非常に心配している。 みんな気をつけてください💕
🇬🇧 Because of the coronavirus the UK began its lockdown on the 23rd of March so people have had to stay at home. We're allowed to go out up to twice a day for exercise or essential shopping, but that's it! 😩
I've worked at home for years so my daily routine hasn't changed much haha. I've been putting together more jigsaws and baking cakes and bread more often though!
The virus hasn't yet reached its peak here in the UK, so I'm immensely worried for my friends and family. Please be careful everyone💕

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