先週末に友達と娘と弟とハイキングにセドナに行った。天気はとても良かった ☀️☀️☀️
Last weekend I went
with my friends, brothers and daughter to Sedona to go hiking. The weather was great!!Download the HelloTalk app to join the conversation.
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musa jh 2019.06.17 21:19
season 2019.06.17 23:34
jasonbankai 2019.06.20 16:56
season 2019.06.21 01:59
jasonbankai 2019.06.21 03:19
K_ayna 2019.07.24 23:14
jasonbankai 2019.07.24 23:18
Yuu 2019.08.12 21:42
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