English Conversation
>Meg & Todd<
Meg: Hey, Todd. I was talking
to your girlfriend yesterday; she seems really fit. Todd: Yeah. She's very fit. It's kind of a problem actually.
Meg: Oh really? Why?
Todd: Well, she's very careful about the food she eats. She doesn't eat meat, she doesn't eat fast food, she doesn't eat sweets and she doesn't drink coffee.
Meg: So, you like to eat all of these unhealthy foods?
Todd: Are you kidding? I love all kinds of food. I always eat fast food, I love to eat sweets and I absolutely love coffee.
Meg: Hmm….I see.
Todd: So what do you think I should do?
Meg: Maybe you should try to eat healthy, because it sounds like a good idea.
Todd: Maybe. Or maybe I should just find a new girlfriend.
Meg: Maybe. Good luck.

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